TCPA norms have evolved. Have you?

13th April, 10AM PST


The TCPA has changed! “Clickers” don’t matter? Text messages are super legal? Calls from landlines could be an ATDS if a computer told you to call them?

Its the wild west out here but don’t worry, CallHub has your back! Hear about the latest developments and what you can do to stay protected.

Here are a few things we’ll cover.

  • FREEDOM! – The current state of TCPA after Facebook.
  • What the future looks like – the latest theories being pushed in court.
  • The States – birthing new mini-TCPAs.
  • What you still need to watch out for to stay legal.
  • How CallHub makes your life easier and your calls/texts compliant.
  • The intersection of 10DLC and TCPA – What else to watch out for?

Plus, you don’t want to miss our Q&A session at the end where we answer any specific questions you have!

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Speaker: Sam Briggs

Sales Director at CallHub

Sam previously worked with political campaigns as a Distributed Organizing and National Field Director (Justice Democrats, Bernie 2016).