Relational Organizing with CallHub is fast and scalable
Mobilize your supporters for your grassroots campaigns in real-time and drive action like never before. Enroll now; it’s FREE Forever.
Why use CallHub Relational Organizing?
Our tool completes your digital organizing suite, adding to your existing text banking and phone banking capabilities. Tap into the personal networks of your volunteers as they reach out to their friends and family on your behalf.
Guaranteed high contact rate,
in shortest time
Maximize your outreach and never miss an opportunity to acquire a potential supporter with our addictive outreach flow.
All-in-one App for volunteers
Your volunteers no longer have to use separate tools to track their outreach effort. With our relational organizing tool they can reach out to contacts, collect survey response, do follow ups- all from one place
Save countless volunteer training hours
Being the most intuitive platform, you won’t have to spend hours training your volunteers. Our relational organizing app is incredibly easy to use and navigate, so anyone can get started right away!
Gain real time actionable insights under 5 seconds
With our powerful analytics and reporting, you get the most robust and actionable insights to track your campaign’s progress and understand your efforts’ impact.
These and many more features
Data Privacy
Volunteers’ data and their contacts data is secure and protected
Social Media Integration
Volunteers can amplify your cause by sharing it on their social media
Multiple Outreach Medium
Volunteers’ reach out to their contacts through texts, calls, and social media
Multilingual support
Volunteers can use the app in English, Spanish and French
Ready to start Relational Organizing? 🤔
Enroll now. It’s FREE Forever.