Teams for Volunteer Management
Manage large number of volunteers easily by grouping them into Teams
Managing large number of volunteers or agents is now easier with CallHub Teams for Volunteer Management.
Assign them to campaigns
Create Teams
Create an unlimited number of teams in your account. These teams can have any number of volunteers assigned to them. Assign a team to a Phone Banking campaign instead of individual volunteers.
Organise your agents into logical groups
Assign Agents to Teams
Volunteer management is simplified by grouping them by the campaigns they would be on. These grouped volunteers would form a team. On CallHub, you can assign this team to a campaign. A volunteer can join a team at any time during the campaign.
A volunteer can be a part of more than one team.
Let Volunteers choose their own teams
For large political campaigns where people volunteer to phone bank, it’s easier to create a web form through which they can sign up and register for phone banking campaigns. On CallHub, you can even allow them to select their team so that they automatically become part of campaigns assigned to that team.
Use CallHub APIs to create your own custom sign up form.
Embeddable Sign up forms
If building your own custom form is not viable use ours. Our form is embeddable into any web page. Automatically receive registrations for your phone banking campaigns.
Unlimited Volunteer Accounts
Get unlimited number of agent seats or volunteer accounts for free.
NationBuilder integration
Get Volunteers to call your NationBuilder lists.