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Social media is the most efficient way to reach a broad audience. Using Facebook for political campaigns have become the norm. The social media of the Facebook World reaches millions of voters. You can reach out to voters from just about ANY state, district, or town, voters that would otherwise not answer a cold call or knock on their door. Be where your voters are.
Here are 4 great ways to use Facebook to your advantage!
Show Authencity
Events often come with the feeling of being overplanned, overdone, and overexposed. However, there is room for presenting yourself with an authentic tone. It includes social networking and using Facebook for political campaigns.
Spontaneous photos and videos are your friends. They are natural and are less likely to be something to scroll over and ignore. Share your captured moments from your events. But, also include regular postings of working with and for your constituents and any breaking news about policy in order for you to be the one to shape the narrative of your campaign.
Active Engagement
Facebook’s addition of live streaming has added a layer of engagement that posted videos began. Occasional videos of planned speeches about policy or breaking news is a wonderful place to start engaging your voters. You will then want to have regular question and answer sessions using Facebook Live. At first, your audience may be slim, but if you are active in your engagement with your audience, word of mouth will widen who participates in your online town halls.
The positive activity also means you do not merely post. You will want to address any comments or questions personally. It involves checking your campaign’s Facebook page regularly, but it keeps your potential voters interested and highly engaged. The ranked comment feature also will also alert you to the most pertinent questions and comments.
You are inviting constituents to take the journey with you by using Facebook for your campaign. They have a wall to interact inclusively and call for action when needed.
Starting A Schedule
During a political campaign, dates, times, and appointments tend to become a daily check of your calendar. To keep up with an active Facebook campaign, you will want to make it an addition to your daily agenda. Facebook’s interface allows you to schedule posts if you find that you are stretched thin regarding time to dedicate.
Examples of scheduled posts would be a specific day that you spotlight the campaign volunteer of the week. Or, have personal experiences in a queue that is relatable to the public’s experiences. Easily scheduled Facebook posts are preplanned campaign events, community activities, and local sports’ events.
High Caliber Content
Event postings, spotlights, and media posts are all-inclusive content. However, in today’s environment of divisive issues and policy, high-caliber, long-form content is also necessary.
Comprehensive content starts conversations, and you will get a feel if you have headed in the correct direction. By using Notes, you can format your posts in a readable way while expressing your stance on complex policy and community issues.
Measuring Magnitude
Facebook is a platform that is becoming more user-friendly, every day. The ease of use makes it perfect for using Facebook for political campaigns. You are given insight into your audience through a feature called Page Insights. The information provided provides a variety of information from engagement to demographics. The easy-to-read charts allow for you to see how you may want to improve your posts or find what best suits your potential voters.
Not every social platform offers the ease of use that Facebook does while also reaching as many people as possible. You want to get the attention of people who may not want to vote for you, or are on the fence, to notice your activity. You never know what stance may change a voter’s mind and we know that one vote can change an outcome.