The one thing you need to know about your audience

Hey –First Name=there–,


In previous emails, we’ve touched on ways you can motivate your audience to take action. Some of those methods may work out well for you, others may not. Figuring out what exactly it is that compels your unique target audience involves finding their “Aha!” moment.


These are moments when your supporters make an emotional or value-based connection with what you’re conveying. Figuring out what these moments are for your audience allows you to switch from a “Let’s see what sticks” approach to a “Let’s do more of that” approach. 


Let’s talk about what you can do to:


Identify their “aha!” moments

Software companies often think of these moments as occurring after someone signs up and starts using a product, but this is not necessarily true, especially if what you offer isn’t a service. The mental switch from “I’m undecided” to “I’m in” can happen during any interaction someone has with your organization or your campaign.


Uncover when it happens by finding patterns in supporter behaviour:


  • Build a supporter persona—this will give you an idea of where to start looking.
  • Directly ask your current supporters what they value most about your message. This is a tough one—you will need to show them what they are getting out of the exchange.
  • Look at how people behave on your website – What pages do they visit? Where/when do they click on your CTAs?
  • Look at other organizations in your space – How do they communicate with their supporters? 


Verify your observations

So you find some common patterns from the efforts you take in the previous step. How do you make sure that those are “Aha!” moments and not just coincidences? You can run tests based on what you observe. For example, you can test:


  • Your messaging
  • Your visuals
  • Your outreach (copy, timing, etc.)



Once you have an idea about what switches that light bulb on for your audience, and you’ve verified that idea through testing, you’re home free. All you need to do now is build more messaging in that direction.


You might even get into the rhythm of it by figuring out what your “Aha!” moments are when you take action. For example, what motivated you to click on this email? (Reply with your answer, and I’ll let you know what others had to say.)


See you next time,
