Tips To Write The Greatest, Stickiest Campaign Slogans

Published on
May 22, 2024

No campaign is complete without catchy campaign slogans. Ask Hillary Clinton.

Her campaign considered 84 potential campaign slogans before settling on “Stronger Together” in her 2016 presidential bid.


If you’re running for city council or a local election campaign, your campaign slogan should summarize the entire campaign in a single phrase. Craft a catchphrase that is short and memorable. If you think your base will respond, you can add some humor.

Sound easy?

That’s because it is!

What should a good campaign Slogan achieve?

A campaign slogan is a (generally short) phrase that can convey the agenda of your political campaign to your supporters and the people you wish to attract to your base.

Here are some quick pointers to keep in mind when crafting your own campaign slogan:

Create an emotional connection

An emotional connection is the key to a great slogan. Consider your voter’s values and interests and reflect them in your slogan. Your slogan should reassure voters that your candidate shares their values, leading to their coming out to vote on election day.

Campaign slogans: Keep it short

On top of being relatable, the campaign slogan has to be catchy. For that, it has to stick to the voter’s mind and be easy to say. The best practice here is to go for a short and memorable slogan. After all, what worth is a slogan that alludes to a deep message but does not carry any recall value for the voter?

Keep it straight

Another thing to remember is to make it easy for the voters to decide who to vote for. The campaign slogan plays an important part in the voter’s journey. Avoid abstract concepts where the voter is supposed to imagine a better future through your win. Placing words like “progress” and “prosperity” in a slogan doesn’t help the voter conclude that you are a better candidate.

Campaign slogans: Pay attention to the details

Even the smallest details, like a punctuation mark, can change how people perceive your campaign slogan. Take, for example, Obama’s campaign slogan in his 2012 re-election run.

Credit: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

The slogan “Forward.” came under scrutiny by political pundits, who said that the period seemed to undercut the message of the slogan.

Relate to the core message of your campaign to your campaign slogans

Your slogan should be consistent with and encapsulate your key campaign messages. 

Of course, your voter communication should remind your voters of your campaign’s core message. The slogan, being easy to remember, is the best way to keep the campaign message on top of the voter’s mind.

Reflect on the issues that matter

It is better to create a campaign slogan that encompasses one or more issues in the voters’ minds. The slogan should reflect the issues the district is facing.

People are willing to support and go out to vote for a candidate whose slogan aligns with the issues that matter to them

To make your job easier, we’ve compiled a list of famous campaign slogans that can inspire you to craft your own.

Examples of popular political campaign slogans

A good political slogan should reflect the times and appeal to the emotions of voters. Here are some past political slogans that you can refer to:


This slogan was used by Lyndon B. Johnson to drive home the importance of voting. Johnson used the slogan to state that it would be dangerous to elect his opponent, Barry Goldwater, implying that he would use nuclear weapons indiscriminately.


Four presidents have been credited with using this quote, the most popular being Herbert Hoover. The Republican party used the slogan in Hoover’s campaign, referring to it as a period of prosperity.

It was a powerful slogan that stated that no family would go hungry if his administration were in power.


President Ronald Reagan famously used this slogan to ask Americans if the previous administration successfully brought about positive change in their lives.

The slogan encouraged voters to reflect and consider if they were earning more, could afford everyday necessities and had better jobs.


Bill Clinton used this slogan to prompt the image change and better opportunities for his supporters.

Clinton’s campaign was powerful, focusing on key issues like the economy, health care, and opportunities for citizens.


Borrowing from the title of a song, Franklin D. Roosevelt used this slogan in 1932, after advisors spontaneously decided to play it at a convention. It went on to become an unofficial theme song for the Democratic Party.


This slogan was used during President Abraham Lincoln’s re-election campaign. It tried to demonstrate the risks of switching leaders mid-war, urging voters not to change their leader or position part-way through the campaign.

A variation of this slogan could work if your candidate is running for re-election. They could be popular city council campaign slogans.

Examples of judicial campaign slogans

For judicial candidates, campaign slogans tend to focus on the candidate’s personal and professional traits. 

Some examples of good Judicial slogans are:

Integrity. Compassion. Commitment.

This slogan gets straight to the point by listing qualities that potential voters might find crucial in a judicial candidate. Here are some similar slogans:

Integrity and Justice with Compassion
Strength and Experience
Hard Work, Integrity and Fairness

A Record of Accomplishment

If your candidate has previous experience in the field or is running for re-election, this slogan highlights their past achievements. Some similar slogans would be:

Experience Counts
Proven Experience and Integrity
The right experience, the right choice

Working for YOU

This slogan talks directly to the audience and highlights that the voters will benefit from electing your candidate.

For a just future
Justice for YOU
For a fairer future

Examples of school and college campaign slogans

For candidates running in a school election, e.g., for a spot on your city’s education board, the stakes are smaller, so it should be easier to come up with the perfect campaign slogan.

A vote for me is a vote for detention reform!

Try focusing on single, important issues that matter to students with your slogan. Similar slogans include:

Solar pencil sharpeners for every classroom
Bring back dedicated nap time in 2020
A vote for me is a vote for better school lunches!

I don’t run very often, but when I do, it’s for President

People appreciate campaign slogans that use wit. Try to appeal to your audience’s sense of humor with slogans like these:

Vote for me, otherwise I’ll lose… again.
With great power comes great responsibility. Vote for {name of your candidate}
Victoria’s real secret: she votes for {name of candidate}

Once you have the perfect campaign slogan, it’s time to show it off. Spread the word by inserting your campaign slogan in all your communications to supporters. 

Getting your campaign slogans out to your supporters

The first step in getting your supporters to chant your slogan at rallies is communicating it to them.

There are many great ways to display your city council campaign slogans to voters, online and offline. Here are some common ways:

  • Have your candidate introduce it in a speech during a rally. 
  • Make it prominent on your campaign website.
  • Print it on your yard signs and distribute them to supporters.
  • Include it in your campaign mailers.

Give your slogan plenty of exposure leading up to election day.

Want to make your slogan announcement exciting for supporters?  

Consider announcing it through a text message. Not only can you communicate personally with supporters, but you can also get their opt-in for further communication through text messaging.

The most famous example of a campaign announcement via text message is Obama’s announcement of his running mate in 2008.


Here’s how you can set this up for your own campaign: 

Announce your campaign slogan via text message:

The process differs based on the software your campaign is using. In CallHub, setting up a texting campaign is quick and easy. 

Choose the SMS Opt-in campaign from the CallHub dashboard.


With an opt-in campaign, your supporters can send a keyword (chosen by you) to your number or shortcode and add their contact details to your contact list.

Set up the message you want to send out to supporters when they opt in:


You can send follow-up messages asking for more details, like their name and email, which you can use to personalize your texts.

Once your contacts have opted-in, you can choose that list of contacts to send out a mass text. Just choose the SMS broadcast campaign from the dashboard, and select the contact list with the contacts from the opt-in campaign.

You can text all these contacts on the list to announce your new campaign message. 

“For a Fairer Future.” When Joe is elected to the City Council, he promises to fight for you and other hard-working citizens like you. Here’s what he stands for:

Continue communicating with your supporters throughout your election campaign by sending broadcast messages or starting a peer-to-peer texting campaign.

Text messaging lets you better engage and reach supporters and share your city council campaign slogans. Try it out for free with CallHub.

Mukundan Sivaraj Linkedin
Mukundan (that's me!) is a writer at CallHub, an outreach platform that connects nonprofits with their supporters through voice and text messages. Mukundan’s focus on nonprofit technology and communication helps him show nonprofits, big and small, how technology can help elevate their cause.