Fundraising Script: Samples For Donors, Events & Campaigns

Published on
January 10, 2024

Calls and texts to potential donors will always be hard and take the longest to crack. Expect a lot of hang-ups and refusals. That’s where fundraising script samples come in.  

Remember the twofold goal here – you are increasing the number of donors broadly, so don’t be easily discouraged if the majority say no. And, even if they say no, you can craft a script to get some details that will help your organization build a better donor database

How do you even approach this?

“Hi, do you want to give $5 to save children?”

This approach, while direct, is more along the lines of shock and awe. And while you may get a few sudden ‘yes’ or ‘sure,’ the results will be low in quality. Most donations will be a one-time thing. 

Instead, look for those looking to be involved. You can get a small donation and set the foundation for a long-term relationship. 

We take a look at several situations and provide a sample fundraising script with branching versions for them. Do have a look.  


Fundraising ask script

First ask for a small donation 

Call fundraising script sample for first ask donations:

  • Introduce yourself and your work. Be specific. 
“Hi! Is this {first_name}?

This is (your name), calling from (organization).  We work with…(your cause), and have been doing this for… (time) in…(locations). We have helped…(impact in digestible numbers)

Note: Try to ensure you are aware of the general situation of the donor and address a concern specific to their location. For example, work done in their city, or among their community.

  • IF you are asked to explain more
“Sure. We began… (provide more background about how the work began and be specific about the work done so far). 
  • IF/WHEN you are asked what they can do for you
“We are looking to raise funds for (provide the exact impact a single donation achieves. For example, each $5 donation will be used to buy stationary for a 6th-grade child for one year). 
  • IF they decline
“Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. If it helps, do remember to… (provide an alternative they can do in their own time to help the cause. This can range from learning more through a website, the location of a local charity they can drop off goods to, or even just asking them to mention your cause to their friends and family. Give them an action point they can do themselves). 

Text fundraising script sample for first ask donations

When texting, you must provide all the details in a limited space. But the advantage is that you can ‘cold text’ tens of thousands at a time so that the success rate will be higher for a lower commitment in terms of effort. 


To help us achieve (list a specific end goal, for example – provide stationary to 6th-grade kids), (organization) is raising (total goal amount). Every contribution of $5 will ensure (the specific impact each donation makes). Thanks for considering us. Donate here (link)

Small donation follow-up call

According to a Bloomerang study conducted in 2020, “retention rate(s) increase to 41.24% if one phone call is made, and 58.21% if more than one phone call is made within 90 days.”

This shows the huge difference a follow-up call makes to getting the donation and retaining that donor for a second donation. 


Call fundraising script sample for follow-up donations:

  • Remind them of who you are 
“Hi! Is this {first_name}?

This (your name), calling from (organization).  If you recall, we just spoke x days ago. How are you doing?”

  • Speak about your organization rather than upselling a new donation directly 
“I was wondering if I could speak to you a little more about the… (share specific impact a project is having) 
  • OR 
“I was wondering if you had any questions about our program that has helped (impact in numbers) so far? 
  • IF the donor hears you out, share the same pitch as last time – list the specific impact their donation can make
  • IF they decline any further information, just add a friendly reminder when ending the call 
“Okay. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. If you consider donating, do keep us in your thoughts. You can donate just $5 by texting (set up a text-to-pledge feature)” 

Text fundraising script sample for follow-up donations:

When sending a text, send it as an update on events since you last texted. Remember – do not make it seem like you spammed them twice with the same text. 

In the past (specific days since the last message), we have (specific goals reached), But we still have a long way to go. (Organization) is raising (total goal amount). Every contribution of $5 will ensure (the specific impact each donation makes). Thanks for considering us. Donate here (link)

First ask for a major donation

Call fundraising script sample for the first ask for a major donation 

  • Start your talk by introducing yourself, thanking the prospect for their previous support, the reason for calling, and the need for their investment. Remind them why they care about your cause if they seem doubtful or hesitant
Hi, {donor_name}. I’m {volunteer_name}, from {organization_name}. I’m so happy I got in touch with you. I’ve been an admirer of all your support. I’m calling because we have a new program where we (Explain the benefits of the cause you’re working towards).
  • Take the conversation forward with your understanding of what will inspire this donor to donate. One approach is to tell a story to outline the impact your donor’s contributions will have
“Your support has helped us achieve (organization’s achievements). We had a real chance to take things to the next level. Here’s how (share a story of a real person).”
  • Ask open-ended questions and gauge how the donor responds. You need to listen carefully and take notes while they talk
“What are your thoughts about (the story you shared)?”

Read More: How to Ask for a Major Gift: 3 Fundraising Major Gift Ask Sample Scripts

Note: Figure out your donor’s motivation to give. It may be a desire to fulfill their ancestors’ desires, to do something for the greater good, or even to feel a sense of belonging.

  • Ask for a specific amount and convey urgency. Tell them exactly how their donation will be used
“We have been trying to get this project up and running for several months, and now, finally, we have many people with us as our supporters. The success of this project impacts…(specific impact). 
Can you donate $X to make this happen? 

Remember: WAIT for the donor to respond first. Resist the urge to offer a smaller sum or insert an awkward comment. You can wait in silence while the donor considers it. 

  • IF They say yes
“Thank you so much. Can you please share how you would like to make this donation and what we can do to smoothen the process?”
  • IF They say maybe or seem unsure (remember – there could be more versions. Keep your branching script ready.)

The reasons to say ‘no’ could range from the amount being too high, this being a bad time for them financially, to them being unsure about the impact of their donation. In each case, you must stretch the conversation to get more details. 

“Sorry to hear that. Would it be possible for you to share what level of commitment you would be comfortable with?
  • OR
“Sorry to hear that. Would you prefer if we got back to you in the second quarter?”
  • OR 
“I would be happy to clarify any doubts you have about the project. Or, if you prefer, I can schedule a further call with a board member at your convenience for a longer conversation.”
  • Close on a positive note, whatever happens. 

Overall, make them feel good about their contribution – or the conversation they just had. This is how you’ll continue to secure gifts from them. 

Thank you so much, {donor_name}. We’re going to mark this donation in your name. I assure you this is going to… (share the impact)

Remember to: 

  • Ask for a follow-up call and help them contact you with questions.
  • Get them involved in other ways, like inviting them to an event, asking them to volunteer for you, etc.
  • Ask them to point you toward someone who might be interested in donating.
  • Request them to spread the word among their network.

This will help you strengthen your relationship with the supporter, which may benefit you one day. 

Text fundraising script sample for the first ask for a major donation 

You cannot really ask for a major donation on text. However, you can arrange a long conversation with a major donor by requesting a scheduled call. 

“Hi {donor_name}, This is {volunteer_name} from {organization_name}. I was hoping to schedule a call with you about {program}. Do let me know a good time to call. Thanks!” 

Script for a fundraising event

Careful consideration of various factors is crucial when developing a script for a fundraising event to ensure its success. Some factors include:

  •  a personal story
  • a slideshow with impact figures and relevant pictures
  • the timing of your speech
  • making the ‘big ask’ and 
  • taking questions. 

Your audience is likelier to give when they know you have a clear plan and a definite timeline for utilizing their donations. Transparency can be a great motivator when making a fundraising speech for charity. 

Here is a sample fundraising script for an event: 

  • Introduction (keep it short) 
“Good evening. As a member of this cause for (the number of years), it has been my pleasure to help (organization) achieve (specific impact the organization has had).”
  • Share a personal experience (a few minutes) 
“One of my favorite moments was when we helped renovate an entire school. I remember when I first got the call…”
  • From here, explain the organization’s impact, future plans, and how the funds are being used (use slides to back your talking points). Your goal is to build trust in the audience about the work being done and prepare them for the ‘ask’ coming up. Ensure your points are strongly backed by impact – people donate for results, not dreams. 
  • Make the ‘ask’. Make the amount hoped for from each person clear, tell them how to donate, and encourage them to do so at the earliest. 

You should have immediate donation options like Paypal or text-to-donate, display QR codes or shortcodes+keywords on the screen, and get the audience to react immediately.

A sample ask: 

“Now that we have all seen such a program’s impact, we need your help in this next fundraising round. Please consider becoming stewards for one adult student for the year at just $75 per month. This amount gets them basic necessities and stationery and covers their school fees. Text STUDENT to 123456, and you’ll get complete program details.” 
  • Wait for the audience to donate or react

It is a good idea to have your website open with a ‘donation thermometer’ displayed so as it rises, it can motivate the audience. Keep things engaging, take questions from the audience, and try to keep things light. 

For example, when you use a donation thermometer, you tell your audience, “We require a total of $100,000, and we’ve raised $90,000 so far.”

  • Thank the audience 
“Thank you all for your kind donations. I see we have raised an amazing amount. Seeing so many kind-hearted folks willing to help change the world has been my pleasure. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.”

Political fundraising call script

Although cold-calling donors might seem old-fashioned, a carefully crafted political fundraising call can be highly effective.

Approach the initial line of your fundraising script like a news story – deliver the ‘who, what, where, and when’ immediately. 

If a donor remains engaged after the first minute, proceed with the rest of the script. Providing two or three sentences of key details at the start of the phone call yields a more favorable response.

Make sure you keep the requests tied to the real world. The donation is not for the campaign per se, it is to bring about a certain political change or policy decision. And make sure you make it easy for them to donate – using text-to-donate, immediately. 

Here is a sample fundraising script for different political scenarios. 

Fundraising script for urgent donations 

Call fundraising script sample for urgent donations:

  • Introduce yourself and get to the point 
“Hi {donor_name}. I am {volunteer_name} from {campaign}. The {opposition} has promised to cancel funding for public libraries during the next council meeting on Thursday. As you know, 45% of our students get their books in public libraries. We have just four days. Do you want to help us save the libraries? (specify how they will help)” 
  • Ask for a specific amount and state how that matters
“We will be arranging for a study into the value of libraries, organizing a protest march on the day, and campaigning to unseat the council. We are looking to raise (amount). Will you be willing to make a (amount) contribution for the libraries?”
  • IF they yes, provide a way to donate immediately
  • IF they say no, ask for further clarification
“That’s alright. We are all in this together. Would you mind telling me what contribution you would be comfortable with?”
  • If they are unsure or not keen to donate now – make sure you have an alternative way they can contribute
“Sure. If you wish, you can also attend the protest meeting on Thursday, and we would love it if you could mention our campaign to those who care about libraries as we do.” 
  • End the call on a positive note 
“Thank you for taking the time for this urgent issue. Have a good day!”

Text fundraising script sample for urgent donations:


You have limited space – so get to the point and ensure you have a keyword for them to respond to. That’s the gist of

“Hi. {Campaign_name} has just four days to save the city’s public libraries from a thoughtless fund cut. Text SAVEME to 112312 to donate $5, and get more details about how you can help save them.”

Cause-centric fundraising script

The difference here is that unlike an urgent issue, where you just want a donation immediately – cause donations tend to be long-term and recurring. You are looking to go beyond a single donation and instead hope to get a yearly commitment. 

Call fundraising script sample for cause-centric donations:

  • Introduce yourself and the cause 
“Hi {donor_name}. Did you know (describe the issue with a highlight for numbers)? This can be fixed. “
  • Gauge long-term interest before moving further

Remember: There is no point in having a half an hour conversation with someone who won’t be convinced. It is better to move on to someone who will commit long-term rather than trying to convince everyone for this one time. 

“It sounds like this issue really resonates with you. We here at {organization_name} have been helping fix this issue. In 2023, we have (share the specific impact).” 
  • Mention how a donation helps 

When it comes to a cause – it is usually something people care about deeply and want to see fixed – beyond a simple donation. So, ensure you focus on how change happens

“We are addressing this issue at the root. Here’s how we use the funds we get…”
  • Ask for a specific amount and mention how it affects the issue
“If you can consider a $5 donation, we shall use it to fund (specific impact).” 
  • IF they seem unsure, ask what contribution they would be comfortable with.
  • IF they seem unwilling to donate money, thank them and share ways they can still make a difference.
  • Make sure you ask them to message a keyword to get more information.
“Thank you for your time. You can always make a difference by sharing information about this campaign with your friends and family. Do text HELPUS to 13121 to get more information.”

Remember: Send a follow-up text message, in any case, with more details. This will serve as a reminder. 

Text fundraising script sample for cause-centric donations:


You can use texts to gauge interest. But use peer-to-peer texting to have a conversation with whoever chooses to reply. Here’s an example. 

“Hi {first_name}. 15% of all children in America have no shoes? This issue be stopped by the price of a Happy Meal. Text NOSHOES to 121213 to donate $2.” 
  • IF they don’t reply, you should send a follow-up message in a few days with a similarly worded message
  • IF they reply, take the conversation forward with a similar emphasis as the call conversation
“Hi {donor_name}, thank you for your reply. This is {volunteer_name}. We can clad every kid in America in Air Jordans because we got to the root of the issue. Here’s how…”

After a few messages, during which you share how your campaign and candidate can make a difference, ensure you keep the channel open for questions – to develop a relationship with the donor

“So that’s how the {campaign_name} will change this policy. If you have any questions, I would happily clarify our stances for you.” 
  • Whatever happens, end on a positive note, thanking them

Read more: Guide your agents to the right questions with Branching Scripts

Campaign-centric fundraising script


Here, the candidate is the main topic, and your volunteers must be prepared to talk with the donor about the candidate’s stand on various issues. 

Call fundraising script sample for campaign-centric donations:

  • Introduce yourself
“Hi! This is {first_name} with the {campaign_name} campaign.”
  • Describe the main issue the candidate is known for 
“As you know, (candidate) is committed to (describe policies), and we need your help to make these dreams a reality.”
  • Ask if the donor supports your candidate. It is better to speak to those who are unsure or already convinced than to spend a lot of time speaking to those who are already opposed to you
“(Candidate) has a great track record of making promises come true. For example, in 2020, her voting record speaks for itself. Is there any area of concern from your side?”
  • Once you gauge if the person is on your side or undecided, you can ask for a donation 
“Your donation will help us spread the word about (candidate)’s message. We have an online donation system that you can use to make a contribution of any size. You can text GIVE to 88329 to make a $10 donation.”
  • Thank them and end the call
“Thank you so much for your support. Every donation makes a difference.”

Text fundraising script sample for campaign-centric donations:

You can use texts to gauge interest. But use peer-to-peer texting to converse with whoever chooses to reply. 

“Hi, this is {first_name} with the {Campaign_name} campaign. Can we have a chat about some issues critical to this country?”
  • IF they reply positively
“Great. As you may know, the pressing issues right now are the Second Amendment and Abortion. Our campaign has made our stand clear, we support…(your stances)” 
  • IF they ask more questions, have a small back-and-forth, clarifying their doubts. 
  • IF they are still onboard, make your pitch
“We’re in the final stretch of our campaign, and every donation counts. We’re working hard to get the vote and ensure that (candidate) wins. Even $10 can make a big difference.”
  • Thank them in the end
“Thank you for your support!”

Fundraiser invitation scripts

These are more straightforward, in that various levels of your organization can reach out to existing supporters, to ensure their continuing support. 

Here’s a sample from different people in your organization to your supporters. You can have the same conversation over calls or through texting. 

Go for a calling tool that facilitates texting, too. CallHub’s ‘Text from Call Center’ feature combines the power of calls and text messages. You can share details like donation page links while on the call, which increases your chances of receiving a donation.

Ensure you know the following about your donor before making the call:

  • How long they’ve been a member
  • When they last donated
  • What the contribution was

Fundraising script: Agent to supporter

  • Introduction
“Hello, {agent_name}, serving as the (title) at (organization_name). I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for your impactful support, which has (highlight the impact they’ve had). Your generosity has made a difference, allowing us to (mention another impact they’ve contributed to). We are deeply thankful for your ongoing commitment.”
  • Request
“I’m reaching out to (how to achieve your campaign’s goal). It’s the quickest way to (provide an example of how the goal aligns with your mission). Today, many of our supporters are joining us with a (monthly or yearly contribution amount). By making this commitment, you’ll be (explain what their donation can accomplish). Can we count on you to support us?”
  • Thank them again
“Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. With your help, we can continue making a positive impact, such as (mention a specific impact their future gift will have).”
  • Have a follow-up
“If your schedule permits, we would also appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in person or converse with you further. Be assured that your support, whether over the phone or through other channels, is invaluable.”
  • Closing – whether you get a donation or not
“Your ongoing partnership is highly valued, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.”

Fundraising script: Board member to supporter

  • Introduction
“Hello, I’m {board_member_name}, a board member of {organization_name}. I gather that you’re one of our high-impact donors. Your last donation for (cause) helped us (share the impact), and we are so grateful to you.”
  • Make your pitch
“I’m calling you today to ask for your help to accomplish (campaign goals). It’s the fastest way to achieve (the mission). Many of our donors have contributed to this cause, with some also signing up to be members.”
  • Stress the impact
“By donating even (donation amount), you will be helping (share the impact). You may also choose to become a member of our organization, where you’ll be paying a small monthly fee. As a member, you’d avail of benefits like (benefits).” 
  • IF they say yes
“We’re so grateful for your continued support, {donor_name}. Thanks to you, we will be able to (impact).”
  • IF they are unsure, focus on the impact and try a different contribution  
“Please know that (donation) is what it takes to feed one child for a year. We have (the exponential impact of the donation) such kids across our childcare centers.

However, I completely understand that it can seem like a big ask.How about another (smaller) contribution instead? This would be enough for a child’s monthly health checkup.”

  • Close with thanks, no matter the reply 
“Thank you for your time, have a great day ahead.”

Read More: 3 Fundraising Sample Scripts Your Board Can Use for Talking to Donors from Different Stages (Calling Tips Included)

Fundraising thank you script

Fundraising Script: Samples For Donors, Events & Campaigns

Donor thank you call script

  • Thank them and mention their donation as the introduction
“Hello! I’m {agent_name}, a board member of {organization_name}. Am I speaking to {donor_name}?

My staff told me you recently made a generous gift of (amount). I wanted to personally thank you for your contribution and update you on how we used it to (impact_created).”

  • Have a more personal conversation about the donor 
“Donors like you make me realize the world is filled with amazing people. As a token of respect, we are updating them on the impact they’ve created this year. (Share the update).”
  • Get the donor’s reasons and feedback
“May I ask you what inspired you to make this donation?”
  • Make a note of the donor’s reason to contribute.
“That’s great! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I’ll surely share this with the other board members.”
  • Give time for feedback or further questions
“We’re making good progress, and it wouldn’t be possible without donors like you. Is there anything else you’d like to know?”
  • Thank the donor in the end 
“Thank you for your time and valuable input. I’ll call you with more updates in the coming months and try to understand if we meet your expectations. Have a great day ahead!”  

Read More: Donor Thank You Calls Script: Tips to Writing the Perfect Script (Sample Included!)

Donor thank you text script

When it comes to texts, a thank you text should be to the point while asking for feedback. This will not have the same impact as a personal call – so use this for the general donations, and not the big donations. 

If you get replies, use peer-to-peer texting to have a conversation with them, or more preferably, give those who send feedback or a query a call. 

Here’s a sample script: 

“Hi {first_name}, thank you so much for your support for {organization_name}. Your donation has helped (measured impact). Do consider us when you wish to donate again. And do reply to this text to share your feedback about our work.”

We hope these scripts help you transform your fundraising into the success it needs to be to help you change the world. You can take your study a step further by planning the perfect fundraising events and appeals through our nonprofit fundraising plan here.

Vinayak Hegde Linkedin
Vinayak Hegde is a content marketer who has been covering non-profits, changemakers, and advocacies for over six years. His experience includes all forms of digital content creation, including text, audio, and video.